Don’t Ask Him Where Your Relationship is Going Because He’s Telling You the Whole Time

You just don’t like the answer

Niki Marinis
P.S. I Love You


Katie Dutch — used with permission

You don’t need to ask him where this is going. He’s telling you all the time.

If he’s not asking you out often, he’s not interested in a relationship. If he only texts you when he’s bored at work, he’s not interested in a relationship. If you only hear from him in the middle of the night, he’s not interested in anything but sex.

This is also why you don’t only date him, you date tons of guys all at the same time. Let the best man fucking win, damn it.

What has this guy done to deserve your exclusivity? What has he done to prove that you should cut off all your other options?

You pressing him for a verbal answer isn’t going to make him want to be with you if he doesn’t already. It isn’t going to make you look like a confident, sexy woman, either.

A confident sexy woman is paying attention to who is paying attention to her. Period. If it’s not him, then he’s out of the running, or very low on the list.

This is YOUR love life. This is YOUR time and energy. Don’t be so eager to shove it in some random guy’s face.

Stop committing to men simply because YOU like him. That doesn’t mean he likes YOU. Don’t choose him and then try to make him want you.

Stop opening the door every five seconds looking out to see who’s coming up the walkway. Be too goddamn busy to care who the fuck is coming to your door. And only open it for those who have the fucking balls to knock on it. Stop opening it and waving them in from the street.

Stop saying words. Walk the fuck away. They’ll notice that.

I was up late last night watching trash TV at the hotel my friend got to bribe me into taking her to LAX. I’m a sucker for down pillows and comforters and rooms I don’t have to clean.

She put on a show called Marrying Millions. Yep, that show exists. And I saw a perfect example of exactly what I’m talking about.

The couple is a 34 yo woman and a 29 yo millionaire entrepreneur/rapper man. They’ve been dating for a year. He got her a diamond bracelet for her birthday, not an engagement ring, and she was pissed. She decided she needed to talk to him about this. (DON’T DO IT, I’m screaming at the screen)

She wants to know where this relationship is going. (yawn) She’s 34 and wants to get married and have kids and start a family.

It’s a relationship, not a business transaction. You’re dealing with an actual person with their own feelings and wants and timeline, not an inanimate object you can put anywhere you want.

He said he loves her and wants to spend the rest of his life with her but he’s not ready to get married tomorrow. She doesn’t want to accept that. She wants a guarantee that if she waits he’ll marry her.


No one can guarantee you shit. That’s the risk you take in love. Do you love him? Then it shouldn’t matter when it happens. And pressuring him isn’t going to make it happen any sooner.

Only it did. He took her to a ring shop the next day.

But here’s the thing: her pressure didn’t make him any more ready to marry her. It made him afraid to lose her, sure. So she was going to get a Shut the Fuck Up ring out of fear instead of an inspired, heartfelt proposal.

She said to him, “Are you doing this because you feel like I pressured you?”

And THAT’S why you don’t do this kind of shit, because you will NEVER know the truth. You will NEVER KNOW if he asked you because you pressured him or because he really wanted to.

The ONLY way to know if a man truly wants to be with you is if it’s HIS idea, HIS choice, of his own volition and not from any emotional manipulation on your part.

Isn’t that what you want? Someone who wants you because you’re you and not because you have to convince/threaten/pressure them to be with you? That screams desperate, not confident. That screams willing to settle, not you’re the best choice for me.

Work on yourself. Build your confidence, self-respect, self-worth, self-esteem.

The more you love yourself the less you’ll be willing to settle for and/or throw yourself at the next remotely passable guy who shows you basic human kindness that you confuse for romantic interest.

SPOILER: the diamond bracelet was CZs and they’re still not engaged. Shocker.

Niki Marinis is your Cool Quirky Aunt with solid gold relationship & dating advice. Follow her wacky adventures & pop culture obsession on Twitter and Instagram, and sign up for her newsletter here.



Niki Marinis
P.S. I Love You

Weird Girl, thrift store owl collector, heartbreaker, lush, aspiring adult. IG: DocJohnnyFever