Number one, don’t ever expect them to be proud of or excited for you. The most you might get is a slight smile and a, “Cool,” like it’s no big deal. They make it a point to NEVER be impressed by anything ANYONE does/has/achieves. Accept it. It’s not personal. You’ll never get what you’re looking for from them.
Secondly, the ONLY way to EVER win with a narcissist is to NOT give them the reaction they’re looking for. RESPOND, don’t REACT. If they’re making fun of you, you don’t care. In fact, embrace it. I’m weird? You’re goddamn right, I am. I’m a bitch? Cool beans!
Do NOT defend yourself when they put you down and call you stupid or lazy. You have to KNOW you’re NOT whatever they’re insulting you with. Just blandly, flatly agree with them. “Uhhu.” “Yep.” “Cool.” Really, in the same manner they dismiss your achievements or exciting news.
THAT’S how you respond to ANYTHING they say or do to try and get a reaction out of you. THAT is their kryptonite: your LACK of reaction. They WILL eventually give up on you and move on to an easier target who gives them the reactions they’re looking for.
No, you’ll never change them. NEVER. But when you change how RESPOND to them, it changes how they RESPOND to you. And YOU are the only thing in this life you can control. RESPOND, don’t REACT. They WILL eventually slink away to find another victim somewhere else.