My Dad Died on Halloween

And I don’t know what happens now

Niki Marinis
7 min readNov 22, 2022
Katie Dutch — used with permission

My Dad has been sick for years. After hitting his head from a fall off the kitchen barstool that Saturday and a trip to the hospital, turns out he had stage four renal failure and pneumonia.

We were all with him — me, my brother, sister and Mom. We got to talk and laugh. When I walked in the room and told him I was there he did the “whoopty do” finger. Classic Dad!

He said he’d go out on Halloween and I told him I’d go home and get my Ouija board out and set up and ready!

When he realized his breathing was getting better but that overall, things weren’t going to get better, he said he was ready to go.

We said you could hang out for a couple more days or you could bow out right now. You can do whatever YOU want to do. He said he wanted to be done. That he could barely talk anymore, breathing was hard, eating was hard, everything was hard.

He was so concerned about US. He said he watched his mother die and he didn’t want to put us through that, and we told him it wasn’t a burden.

I was very concerned he was in a rush to be done because he felt he was burdening us, when he wasn’t.

He said he was scared.



Niki Marinis

Weird Girl, thrift store owl collector, heartbreaker, lush, aspiring adult. IG: DocJohnnyFever