Man, Your Game Sucks

Losing at love? Here’s why

Niki Marinis
4 min readJan 9, 2021
Katie Dutch — used with permission

A lot of guys are terrible when it comes to laying down game, and they’re oblivious to how bad they look. They have no idea what we’re thinking when we give them that blank stare and walk away.

Until you step up your game you’re going to keep spinning your wheels.

I’ll be honest, guys. If you’re looking for a one way ticket to get in our pants instead of taking the time to get to know us as a person, you’re doing it wrong.

Let’s look at the real reasons why your game sucks.

You bring on the sexual innuendos

We see you coming a mile away. (Hey-O!) We haven’t even considered you as a friend yet, much less a lover.

You leer, looking us up and down while licking your lips, then ask our chest when the last time we had sex was.

“How does your living situation affect your sex life?”

“Are your boobs real?”

“Get up and turn around for me.”

This isn’t really innuendo, is it? It’s pretty blatant.

Since you already brought it up we’re going to assume that’s all you want. Do yourself a favor and don’t bother. You’re not showing us anything new.

You’re lazy and not putting in the effort

You don’t bother to call or plan dates, and you rely on vague text messages and Facebook pokes to convey your “interest”.

You’re used to hags hounding you with calls and texts, inviting themselves over and showing themselves out. They do all the work for you and you’ve become very comfortable and accustomed to laying on your ass.

For quality women, that strategy doesn’t work.

When you put in minimal effort, you’re telling us we aren’t worth your time. We have better things to do and better men to consider.

You’re not engaging her in a meaningful way

You’re out on a second date which means you wanted to see her again. But then you drone on about yourself, your car(s), your hundreds of very important friends, your stock portfolio… and never once ask us about ourselves. You don’t even feign interest.

Relationships and conversations are a two-way street. We don’t want to have to remind you we’re sitting right next to you. We want you to notice and pay attention.

So ditch the “me, me, me” crap. Otherwise, you’ll be sitting there alone.

You’re coming on too strong

You’re texting and calling too much, rushing things, and being impatient. You’re pressuring us to make a snap decision about you and “our future” when we’ve only just met you.

You could be an ax murderer or have $250,000 in back taxes, for all we know. Yet you insist on forging ahead, demanding commitment.

We need to know you first.

And we aren’t buying what you’re selling. We’ve seen it all before. You come blazing in, turn fickle, and then fizzle out. We hardly know what hit us.

Try a moderate pace and stick to it. There’s always time if you make it.

You’re not over your ex and it shows

You talk about the trip you took with her to Cancun, what a great horse trainer she was, and how you regret fucking things up. There’s no subliminal message to uncover here.

We know you’re not over her because you said so yourself.

If you’re still die-hard fanatical about an ex, you shouldn’t be dating. When you’re out with us and you’re talking about her, you sound desperate, clingy and afraid to be alone. Plus, it’s obvious you’re not into us. Not a good view from where we’re standing.

Resolve your issues first and reemerge a changed man. Then we’ll gladly take you up on your offer. No one wants to deal with ex baggage.

Men and women can be equally bad in their attempts to woo each other. It’s a dance where one takes the lead and the other follows. It’s about being able to inspire each other to stay on this shared path together when it counts.

If you’re trying too hard or barely trying at all, you’re setting yourself up to get shot down left and right.

Take it slow, be honest with us, and most of all, be honest with yourself.

Niki Marinis is your Cool Quirky Aunt with great relationship advice. Scour her pop culture obsession on Twitter and Instagram, and sign up for her newsletter here.



Niki Marinis

Weird Girl, thrift store owl collector, heartbreaker, lush, aspiring adult. IG: DocJohnnyFever