I stopped this online dating nonsense well over a year ago.
I had no shortage of men messaging me. The biggest problem is that’s mostly all they do: message you. For every 100 men who message you, ten might actually ask you on a date, and three of those might actually follow through. Most messages are still “Hey”, “wyd”, or spell my name wrong when IT’S RIGHT THERE.
I have tons of friends who met their spouses online dating, on everything from eharmony and Tinder, to CraigsList. It can and does work for people. It doesn’t work for me. Most people ditch online dating after 3–6 months of getting nowhere. I did it for ELEVEN YEARS. I put in the time and effort and energy. The Good Ones aren’t easy to find anywhere, otherwise we’d all be shacked up with them. I panned for gold and only found pyrite.
The only complaint I ever got was that I lived too far away. Apparently anything more than a 10 minute drive is too far. I guess you need to live in the same apartment complex as most of these guys in order to be considered close enough to date. Or they might have not liked that I didn’t take the lead and text them, call them, plan dates, drive to them, pick them up, take them out and pay the bill. I’m not looking to date a passive, feminine energy dude.
If online dating works for you then Go Team. It’s a bullshit waste of time for me that I gave more than two weeks worth of effort into before quitting. MY Mr. Right isn’t on a app. He may be online, but I’m not gonna meet him on an app. I’m not wasting any more of my time standing at the bottom of the online dating hole saying, “I’ll dig my way out!” I was airlifted out. May the odds be ever in your favor.