How long had you been seeing the person who ghosted you? There’s a lot of nuance there. If it was just a casual, went on one date and never heard from them again, that’s disappointing but can be lived with. If it was someone you were seeing for, like, three months or something, then that sucks ass and that person is a failure of a human being.
I think dating multiple people at once goes beyond online dating. If you were a company looking to hire a CEO, you wouldn’t hire the first person who applied. You’d interview all the qualified applicants, call back the best for subsequent interviews before you finally chose the best one. Same goes for dating, on both sides of the aisle. You’re doing yourself a disservice if you date as a serial monogamist and not as someone evaluating many suitors at once. Notice I didn’t say sleeping with many suitors at once. That’s personal preference.
Not getting the closure you’re looking for from someone will always sting. Nothing really dulls that’s pain, except stepping into your own power and taking it back for yourself. The key is to not let the pain derail you. Acknowledge it, feel it, accept it, and it WILL pass, like the weather.
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