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Horrible Board Games
Your childhood trauma in competitive form!
Game night! Gather the family around the table! Yes, even your brother-in-law who always cheats. If Mom was setting up any one of these games, you knew you were in for a world of pain. Literally and figuratively.
Trip down memory lane with me as we explore some Horrible Board Games.
A game that shocks you when you make a wrong move. Is this a game or behavior training?
Look around you — do you see any large water bottles, sawdust, or a running wheel? You might be a rat in a lab.
What’s your experience defusing bombs? Because this seems just as nerve wracking with the same chance of ending in your death.
Not for the anxiety prone, those amped up on coffee, or Michael. J. Fox.
Aren’t games supposed to be fun? What’s fun about the potential of bodily harm? If you’re a pro-athlete, millions of dollars. You? Not a…