Fuck Your Shit

Niki Marinis
5 min readOct 2, 2017
All of it.

I’m fucking done with everything. I’m OVER it. I’m over trying to be nice and sane and keeping the peace and staying calm and being reasonable and being the bigger person, by which I mean tolerating abuse. I’m not hiding what I feel or pretending shit is OK when it’s not anymore.

I’m not going to smile and get along anymore.

I used to be ME. I used to have a personality — a big fucking personality — and I have given in to the pressure to shut it down and be average and plain and acceptable. Even my weirdness has been “acceptably weird.”

I’m fucking done trying to “fit in” in some kind of way. In ANY kind of way.

Fuck your getting up at 6am and working out bullshit. Fuck your going to bed by 9:30 crap. Fuck your 9–5 and your steady paycheck and your security. Fuck your Basic Bitch mediocrity and lack of personality.

Fuck your house, fuck your kids, fuck your rules for ME.

Here’s a picture of my fucking soul.

Fuck any opinion you have about the way I live my life, spend my time, spend my money, how I eat, where I live, whether or not I have children, whether or not I live up to YOUR standards for MY life. I will not dress the way you want, or act the way you…



Niki Marinis

Weird Girl, thrift store owl collector, heartbreaker, lush, aspiring adult. IG: DocJohnnyFever nikimarinis@gmail.com https://nikimarinis.medium.com/subscribe